PART 3 Visual Communications Project 4 Time & Place Exercise 2 Join the Navy

727082 (Accessed 10/12/15)

Richard Fayerweather Babcock, Join the Navy, c1971 (colour litho)

DENOTATION – This is a poster advertising The Navy. The text confirms it is  a service ‘job’ aimed at men. The image shows a man in a blue uniform wearing a white and blue sailor style hat. The man is sat straddle style on what looks like a tornado. It looks like the tornado is moving through water, the sea. The wave like marks under the word ‘THE’ also imply water. The man looks like he is holding on with one hand and raising his other hand with some kind of stick. The text confirms that The Navy is looking to recruit an unlimited number of men and informs the viewer of how to apply (by contacting the Navy recruitment office). The colours used in the poster are muted and of a retro style by todays standard.

CONNOTATION – The image of the tornado may be interpreted as a phallic symbol. The size in comparison to the man is huge, possible implying a ‘large manhood’. The image of a sailor in uniform has been associated with homosexuality, and therefore may appeal to homosexual men. The phallic symbol of the tornado fits into this image, along with the man ‘riding’ the tornado. The man is clearly enjoying himself and could be interpreted as having sexual fun, he water spraying out, an ejaculation.

INTENTIONAL OR ACCIDENTIAL – I do not feel that the above connotation was intentional at the time of printing the poster. It is more than likely a connotation that has developed over time. However, the manliness of the image possibly appealed to young men at the time more than now?

(Accessed 11/12/15)

I thought it would be interesting to look at a similar, more current poster on a similar theme. I love this look by Jean Paul Gaultier, it combines the look of a sailor with a French theme. The poster (top right) shows a very attractive, perhaps effeminate man, who is very well toned and wearing a t-shirt to show off his body. His pout and ‘limp wrist’ implies that he is homosexual. I do believe that Gaultier was intentional when he designed this image and that his fragrance was aimed at gay men. The further images of men together in the shower, showing their muscles and manliness also confirm this. It is also amusing in the (top middle) image that the sailors are seeking help from the mermaid, whilst floating in their life rings!